Now booking 2025 Fiber Art Parties! Call today to book a party - 843-467-0043. Don't forget to visit our farm store in person or online today! We also offer gift certificates for our parties/workshops.

The Road Less Traveled Farm

UPick Strawberry Farm, Fiber Art Studio, Farm Store& More!

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Fiber Art Workshops

Are you interested in learning a new skill, craft or hobby? Then check out our fiber art workshops!  Below is a list of our current workshop offerings. Check back frequently, because we are always adding classes. Click on the link for each workshop's details (reservations are required). 

Felted Soap 
Needle Felting on Felted Soap 
Cookie Cutter Needle Felting 
Painting With Wool - 2D Needle Felting
Weaving Potholders 
Macramé Mini Wall Hanging 
Macramé Plant Hanger or Mini Air Plant Wall Hanging 
Macramé Wall Hanging 
Mug Rug Peg Loom Weaving 
Peg Loom Weaving 
Basic Kumihimo Braiding 
Upcoming 2025 Saturday Classes:
March 15 - Felted Soap
April 19 - Weaving Mug Rugs
We also offer Wooling Wednesdays for homeschoolers during March, April and May. The classes are 10 a.m. to noon on select Wednesdays.  Here's a list of our offerings for Spring 2025 (reservations are required):
March 12 - Felted Soap

We can also set up workshops for private groups. Give us a call at 843-467-0043 and we can chat about it.  We hope to see you soon in one of our workshops!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025