Now booking 2025 Fiber Art Parties! Call today to book a party - 843-467-0043. Don't forget to visit our farm store in person or online today! We also offer gift certificates for our parties/workshops.

The Road Less Traveled Farm

UPick Strawberry Farm, Fiber Art Studio, Farm Store& More!

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2021 National Alpaca Farm Days

We had so much fun participating in this year's National Alpaca Farm Days! Thirty folks visited our farm to learn about our alpacas. They got to visit with the alpacas, feel their fiber and see some of the process of getting the raw fiber to a finished product.

Face painting fun for children and they had opportunities crafting... making alpaca fiber stuffed nesting cones, alpaca suncatchers and some other fall crafts.

Part of the farm tour included a hayride around our fields.

Special thank you to Amanda Kinseth with WPDE for coming out and promoting our farm! Check out the coverage at Wake Up With Amanda.

Also, thank you to Thea Meyer who came out with her spinning wheel to give demonstrations throughout the day.

We are already looking forward to next year's event and hope to add more activities and possibly, vendors.




Saturday, October 9, 2021