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The Road Less Traveled Farm

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Solid Lotion Bar

All Natural Lotion

All natural moisturizing oils and butters (shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax), combined in a unique blend of essential oils to create a solid lotion bar at room temperature and gently melts with the warmth of body temperature. The natural oils are quickly absorbed creating a moisture barrier, leaving skin feeling soft and silky.

Choose from several fragrances:

Bug Be Gone - all natural moisturizing oils, butters: shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax combined a refreshing herbal blend containing the finest of essential oils including citronella, lemongrass, orange, eucalyptus and litsea cubeba to effectively discourages those pesky flies, mosquitoes, gnats and more.

Frankincense, Orange & Lavendar - all natural moisturizing oils, butters: shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax combined with scent of Frankincense, Orange and Lavender essential oils.

Lemon & Bergamot - all natural moisturizing oils, butters: shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax combined with scent of Lemon and Bergamot essential oils.

Spa Refresh - all natural moisturizing oils, butters: shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax combined with scent of Rosemary, Lemon and Peppermint essential oils.

Hold the bar in your hands and allow it to slightly soften and melt releasing the oils, butters and essential oils. Rub the melted oils on exposed skin to moisturize.

Note: if stored in a high temperature area and lotion becomes soft/melts, simply put in the refrigerator...the lotion bar will harden back up.

2.5 oz bar

Product Specifications
Shipping & Handling Local pick-up only
Product Specs All natural moisturizing oils and butters (shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax), combined in a unique blend of essential oils

Bug Be Gone is a refreshing herbal blend containing the finest of essential oils including citronella, lemongrass, orange, eucalyptus and litsea cubeba to effectively discourages those pesky flies, mosquitoes, gnats and more.

Sweet Orange Honey is a light and sweet citrus smell much like the orange peels it is derived from and for added sweetness we add a little honey.

All Sales are final

2.5 oz bar
Terms & Conditions

Local pick-up only