Now booking 2025 Fiber Art Parties! Call today to book a party - 843-467-0043. Don't forget to visit our farm store in person or online today! We also offer gift certificates for our parties/workshops.

The Road Less Traveled Farm

UPick Strawberry Farm, Fiber Art Studio, Farm Store& More!

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Kumihimo Braiding Friendship Bracelets

Kumihimo is an ancient Japanese braiding technique. Create two beautiful, braided friendship bracelets! You will be learning a basic braid pattern... it's fun and easy!

Learn the basics:

1. How to load your cord on the kumihimo disk (a modern foam version of the traditional marudai) to create a braided cord. This disk can be used to make a variety of braided patterns.
2. The basic pattern for moving the cords on the disk to create a rope/cord.

Take advantage of this quick and versatile technique to add to your fiber arts skills!
Workshop includes supplies needed to create two friendship bracelets, including a foam kumihimo disk that is yours to keep.

Note: parents/guardian are required to stay with student.

Terms Of Service
Payment is due upon arrival and check-in day of workshop.

No pets or therapy animals are permitted on the farm property.